Hello! My name is Katie Niersbach and I am an AmeriCorps alum who recently joined First Book as an Operations Manager. First Book is a nonprofit that connects kids in need with new books. We’re based out of Washington, DC, but I get to travel nationwide, overseeing large-scale book distributions. My job is a perfect balance of on-the-ground physical work and time at a desk, manipulating inventory data.
Prior to serving in AmeriCorps, I studied Advertising and Marketing at Syracuse University, where I realized I wasn’t wild about trying to sell somebody about the benefits of a 15-blade razor. During a career fair I gravitated toward the service booths, such as Teach for America. I had a great conversation with somebody from AmeriCorps who was part of the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). After the fair, I checked out the AmeriCorps website and was hooked!
I became an AmeriCorps*VISTA at Children for Children, which is a nonprofit that brings service opportunities to children and families living in New York City. I oversaw our online database of opportunities and was charged with expanding our network of nonprofits willing to host youth volunteers. I have so many wonderful memories of my VISTA term – they all blend together into one great year! The people I worked with made a huge impression on me. Suddenly I was surrounded by like-minded individuals all excited about service and volunteering. It opened my eyes to the nonprofit world and inspired me to continue in the field after my service year ended.
My year as an AmeriCorps*VISTA was my first work experience out of college and it paved the way for my career. I remained at my service site as a full-time employee. During my service year, the professional experience I gained was HUGE. I remember sharing my intense experiences with friends who graduated alongside me. They were stuck performing mundane tasks in their entry-level jobs while I had specific, important tasks that helped keep our small nonprofit afloat.
I think anybody who has done AmeriCorps would enthusiastically say, “Do it!” Think about where you want to be after your year of service… Of course, visions change – but since AmeriCorps can inspire you to become more connected to your community, make the most of it and pick a place where you might see yourself staying. Also, take advantage of the program summaries online and try to speak with current AmeriCorps members at the organization to make sure the program is a good match for you. Since compensation is small and the hours can be long, it’s particularly important to be passionate about what you’re doing every day.