Kaitlyn Sargent is a Michigan native whose AmeriCorps service has been much different than that of our Michigan’s AmeriCorps members. Read on to learn about her service with AmeriCorps NCCC.

Throughout the ten months of service, NCCC members participate in four different project assignments called “spikes.” I loved each and every one of my spikes and wouldn’t trade my experience for anything. When I reflect on my year of service, I feel extremely blessed to have been part of a great team (my second family!) and had incredible project assignments. My first spike was a camping project at Daisy State Park in Daisy, Arkansas. Daisy is a small town with a population of 118. Initially, I was not thrilled to live in a tent for over a month in a city too small for its own zip code in the middle of nowhere, Arkansas… As it turns out, my negative assumptions couldn’t have been more wrong. My team and I came to love Daisy and became a family in the process. Our service tasks at Daisy ranged from park maintenance to making 350 wreaths for a Christmas celebration in a neighboring city. When it came time to head back to Denver, my teammate and I were in tears in the back of the van not ready to say goodbye.

Over the course of my 10 months of service, I grew immensely as an individual. I completed tasks I would have never thought possible and had fun in the process. I was able to see places and do things I never would have without AmeriCorps. My experiences as a Corps member gave me the confidence and motivation to apply to be a team leader, which means I will be in charge of a team of 10 to 12 Corps members. I am now back in Denver beginning my journey as a team leader and I am feeling a multitude of emotions. I am excited for the adventures to come, but also anxious about taking on a lot more responsibility. Like my first year, I know there will be challenges that arise, but I now know I have the strength to persevere. AmeriCorps NCCC has had an amazing impact on my life thus far, and I can’t wait see what the next 11 months have in store for me!